The Next Big Thing in zoetry paraiso de la bonita

I’ve been known to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence. I’ve also been known to get lost in my thoughts and forget to get a drink of water. For me, these things happen for a variety of reasons, but the one I keep coming back to the most is the lack of awareness that I have. I can’t help but notice how I am always taking action.

I feel like my habits are very much like my habits. I always walk into the bathroom at the same time and always get ready to go into the shower at the same time… and when you get older you start to become even more aware of the lack of awareness that you have.

These are exactly the things you need to be aware of if you want to be in the right place at the right time.

So if you want to do anything, you should be aware that you are the only one who can make it happen. So when you aren’t aware of your habits, routines, impulses, and reactions, you are the only one who can do anything, and you will be taken care of. In my own life, when I have a habit of always running to the bathroom at the same time and getting dressed at the same time, I have no one to blame but myself.

The most common thing that I do in my life is to wear a hat. My hat is a sort of protection in case my house is attacked by pirates. It should be obvious that if you wear your hat to work, it will protect you from pirates. If you wear a hat, it will protect you from pirates. The hat should not be worn at home.

The reason why I don’t wear a hat is that I am trying to avoid having to defend myself. I don’t want to do anything bad, so I want to protect myself. I want to avoid being attacked by pirates. The more I think about it, the more I think about it.

The reason why you can’t wear something else is that you have to think about your body, your clothes, your hair, your body, your eyes. You might have to wear your hat to work, but it will protect you from pirates. The hat should not be worn at home.

My guess is that most of the people who don’t wear a hat don’t really care because it’s not a big deal. For them, wearing a hat is just to be comfortable. For others though, it’s a big deal. For those people, wearing a hat is a big deal because it’s a way to make sure you’re completely covered.

The problem is that we are not the ones who wear hats. In fact, many of us are the ones who wear hats. We are the ones who wear clothes. We are the ones who wear hats because we don’t care how many people will wear them.

For example, I have a number of hats. One of them is my regular, everyday hat, which I wear because it covers my face and keeps my eyes warm. I never wear a hat for comfort, but it makes me feel safer. Some people don’t feel comfortable wearing a hat, but that is their choice.

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